D KAJ Tax & Financial Corp. | Financial Planning

Our Services

Financial Planning

Whatever stage of life you are in it is never too early or too late to have a financial plan. Our experienced financial planners will craft a customized plan to suit your goals, career, investments, risk tolerances, time horizons, and earnings. All our plans are flexible and can be modified to accommodate fluctuating incomes. One thing they have in common, however, is that they built upon rock-solid financial models, and not fashionable investing whims without long-term proof of success. Incorporated in our plans are tax minimizing strategies and protection protocols of principal investments. A solid financial plan gives individuals peace of mind and the motivation to continue making wise financial decisions throughout their life.

We believe that a financial plan is not simply something you can “set and forget,” like putting a cake in an oven on a timer to take out when you retire. For a plan to truly work, it needs to be continually monitored, tweaked, and adjusted to accommodate life’s changes. That’s why we suggest our clients have a quarterly check-up to make sure they are on the right track. A marriage, divorce, unforeseen expenses such as an emergency home renovation or a family wedding can all be worked into a financial plan with the proper care and attention. In addition to a quarterly checkup, an annual check-up is a great time to review investments and tax strategies.  

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